Sonntag, 29. April 2007


I cannot explain the sadness
That's fallen on my breast.
An old, old fable haunts me,
And will not let me rest.

The air grows cool in the twilight,
And softly the Rhine flows on;
The peak of a mountain sparkles
Beneath the setting sun.

More lovely than a vision,
A girl sits high up there;
Her golden jewelry glistens,
She combs her golden hair.

With a comb of gold she combs it,
And sings an evensong;
The wonderful melody reaches
A boat, as it sails along.

The boatman hears,
with an anguish
More wild than was ever known;
He's blind to the rocks around him;
His eyes are for her alone.

--At last the waves devoured
The boat, and the boatman's cry;
And this did with her singing,
The golden Lorelei.


Samstag, 28. April 2007

Männer in weissen Hemden IV.

Der Bräutigam (rechts) präsentiert an diesem Festtag einen dunklen klassischen Anzug, ein Hemd mit neckischen schlank machenden Discostreifen. Dazu Schuhe im "Urban Rebel/feindliche Übernahme"-style. Alles von Hugo Boss. Der Trauzeuge ebenfalls in einem schwarzen Ensemble, aber mit local approach von Strellson. Weisses Hemd mit minimaler Nippeltransparenz von Einhorn und schwarze waldweg- und aaresanderprobte Schuhe von Officine Creative. Pikantes Detail: der Bräutigam trägt den Ring, welchen er sich gar nie anstecken liess, nicht.

Mittwoch, 25. April 2007

Apollo ist geschlüpft.

Der Apollo ist ein griechischer und römischer und göttlicher Doppelbürger. Zudem war er einer der Chefmixer beim Orakel von Delphi und Nachfolger von Helios, dem Gott der Sonne. Und mit dem Zeus als Papi steht man eh in der ersten Reihe.

Nun wurde Apollo heute wiedergeboren. Stark verändert seit damals, aber er weilt unter uns. Viel Papier, gebunden und farbenfroh gedruckt. Dennoch unverkennbar, der Apollo.

Apollo, trotz Glassplittern unter den Lippen und detailverliebten Schweden. Zweifellos stärker als ein Bavette aux herbes oder das nächste Manderindli.

Sonntag, 22. April 2007

Boogie Dan.

Ich steh' so da und denke angeheitert "irgendwie sieht die komisch aus". Irgendwann bemerke ich, dass sie einen Boogie Dan trägt.

Und der Häberli sollte weniger bechern. Nur so.

Donnerstag, 19. April 2007

Ike, I heard you quit your job.

Tracy, I don’t really believe in that. I mean you could be right. Congratulations on your new book. I would like you to meet my friend Isaac Davids. Sorry, I heard you quit your job. Has anybody heard, that nazis will walk in New Jersey. There is a terrific piece in the Times. Don’t get emotional. We were talking about orgasms. Screws so great, that she dies. It is hostile. Charles Manson had the wrong kind of orgasm. Such fun. I met her through my ex-husband Neil. Some men are smart, meet some stupid people. My ex-wife left me for another women. That is an incredible humiliation. I understand, she will be 18 soon. If you can’t take it, fuck of. I never thought I was pretty. Smart men drop dead. Do you have kids? I need to walk the dog. Are you in a rush? I call my analyst Donnie. You married your teacher. I guess I should leave. Stop it, we are in the middle of Bloomingdale's. Not now, Jesus. Your students will know. Why can't we have Frankfurters? Because this is a Russian tea room.

Mittwoch, 18. April 2007

Early Birthdays.

Sometimes I wonder about them dates. I don’t mean the dates with girls, no actual dates. Like April 18, 2007 or September 30, 1988 or March 12, 1982. It is kinda weird, but I have trouble memorizing new dates. Seems like my brain is full with a certain amount of dates. Capacity reached.

I do remember the birthdays of my family, Christmas, 4th of July and 1st of August and that 14 juillet and that day with the labrador woman. But that is about it. Really bad is when I don’t get birthdays of friends straight. If it happens, I’m usually too early, which seems better than too late. Well, if I am really early it could be too late again. – Probably I have some issues with numbers, better make sure I never get a job where numbers are important.

Dienstag, 17. April 2007

Beware of Magic Sharks.

Mehrere SeewegspaziergängerInnen berichteten ziemlich einstimmig von Haisichtungen im Genfersee. Allenfalls handelt es sich um mehrere Exemplare, vielleicht auch bloss um einen besonders wendigen. Seltsamerweise ist vergangenen Freitag auch an der Katalanischen Küste ein Hai aufgetaucht. Recherchen haben ergeben, dass kein einziger Hai in einem Flugzeug oder Zug von Barcelona nach Genf gesehen wurde. Damit bleiben bloss zwei Möglichkeiten offen: Entweder haben der oder die Haie die Distanz per Autostopp hinter sicher gebracht (selbst fahren können Haie wegen der eher restriktiven Führerscheinvergabe an Flossentiere in Frankreich nicht) oder es handelt sich um Magie. Auf jeden Fall ist Vorsicht geboten.

Montag, 9. April 2007

Unusual soap.

"She smiled, and when she finished her coffee with too much milk, she went into the bathroom and I heard the water turn on. I went to the kitchen for another cup of coffee. I felt slightly indecent, wearing nothing but my shorts, and decided to get dressed before she came out of the shower. First I went downstairs to get the paper. As I came back through the door I heard her call from the bathroom: 'Paul, can you come here a minute?'

I went over and opened the door, thinking she would have the curtain pulled. She didn't, and greeted me with a big smile. 'I feel human again,' she exlaimed with her French-Italian accent. 'Aren't I beautiful?' She stepped out of the stream of water and faced me, lifting her arms like a model demonstrating some new and unusual soap. There was such a weird nymphet egoism about her stance that I had to laugh."

The Rum Diary, H.S. Thompson, Gonzo International Corp. 1998, p. 182

Alberto goes diving.

Limping along with crutches, on the wrong side, as the nurse notices in front of those "bavettes des herbes". Explanation: the elbow on the right side is still swollen. Aha, so the the healthy arm is stronger than the wrong one. No painful movements. Aha. Next day wrrrummm surprising motorbike and ten more centimeters of heigth. Crutches somewhere in the stash of the tower with the reddish cross. Wrrrummm. Aggressive, egoistic, smart, good-looking. Fast like Alberto Tomba and this Alesi guy. Movements of surprise. Laughing and dry skin. Exipial 2%. Suddenly the bear feels surrounded. All these small trees. I still need a big sleep.

Montag, 2. April 2007

Restless in Geneva.

The other night I drank some cans of beer. Beer from the other side of Switzerland, Brought by a good friend. Then I went to see some boys beat some bugs from the too rich city. At my side she sat. Laughing, smiling, and showing her beautiful eyes. Not sure what she was thinking, but obviously she was thinking. Later at dinner, some Austrian influx, talk about some small town near Vienna, where nobody speaks. No voices. The lost light, the soundless lock. The restless night at home. And now another restless night in Geneva. I need a big sleep.

Sonntag, 1. April 2007

Die Einsamkeit des Schiedsrichters.

Der pummelige Brasilianer stellt dem Schwegler das Bein.
Der aufbrausende Mann aus La Coruña prügelt sich nach dem Pausenpfiff.
Kartonhalter für Bier (6 Stück à 5 dl) landen in den Strafräumen.
Die Thomy-Tube leistet Überstunden.
Ein Sandwich gibt einem D-Fan Energieschübe.
Mehrere Spieler aus der 5. Liga nennen den roten Mann “Füüft-Liga-Schiri“.
Ein Angelsachse aus der Ostschweiz erzählt von Helikoptern.
Eine Lederfrau trägt ein Xamax-Trikot (Ronaldo folgt Zubi).
Drei Brüder (niemand heisst Thomy) pinkeln nebeneinander.
Der Mann aus der Elisabethenstrasse sieht sein Handy bereits doppelt.
Den Schiedsrichter mag niemand.